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Bob Boyd - Bao Tak Fai Tai

As the Disciple of Grandmaster Ip Tai Tak and founder of the International Snake Style Association (ISSA), Bob Boyd ( Bao Tak Fai Tai) is teaching the Snake Style tai chi system world wide. If you would like to know more about organizing a snake style tai chi workshop in your area, please contact him here.


Chi Running -- the snake style way!

Tai Chi has been heralded recently for its use in combating fibromyalgia and Parkinson's Disease. And many studies have proven its effectiveness in helping the elderly with balance issues. But this has taken the image of tai chi in a direction away from it's original image of a powerful exercise for health, strength, flexibility and martial skills.

Now, a new study, has shown that tai chi can help runners maintain their running habit with less chance of injury and wear and tear. It is a breath of fresh air for me to see tai chi brought into the fitness culture, because the snake style (the tai chi I learned as Grandmaster Ip's Disciple) is the tai chi the best supports fitness and core strength development.

A friend of mine who studies and teaches Somatics is a lifelong runner. He and I are on the same page when it comes to human locomotion. He believes that runners should run from their ribs and not their hips. I totally agree, because the snake style of tai chi is all about creating movement from the spine. Thomas Myers, a renown Rolfer, who has written a book, "Anatomy Trains for Movement Therapists," is also on this same page. He describes human locomotion from the perspective of myofacial connections from the foot to the occipital point of the skull that unite to creative healthy and efficient human locomotion.

I used some of the illustrations from his wonderful book in my book -- "Snake Style Tai Chi Chuan - The Hidden System of the Yang Family." In this book I describe the principles of posture and movement that are used in tai chi to create flexible strength and powerful martial skill.

Snake Style tai chi chuan stands with yoga and pilates as direct core development exercises. But tai chi is a core exercise involving movement, and we are creatures of movement. Cultivating strong and flexible internal muscles is the answer to many affliction that face the our culture today including bad backs, stiff joints and poor balance. Walking, running, or just standing waiting for the bus, can be enhanced by snake style tai chi practice. It is a benefit that stays with you from rising in the morning to retiring for the night.

 To learn more about chi running, follow this link:

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Reader Comments (1)

I might add, that as a cross country skier, movement is generated from the ribs connected to the back that flows out to the arms and legs. If you watch the best skiers, you will see a fluid powerful spine wagging like a whip. Snake principles at work!

July 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterEmanuel Betz

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